Thu 02 Jan
💛💙💜💚💛💙 EXCELLENT ASIAN MASSAGE $$$ 49/HR $$$ 💛💙💜💚SENSUAL GRILS — 954- 514-7158 - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, 2310 W OAKLAND BLVD OAkLAND PARK 33311)
💕💕💕💕💕💕💕REAL PIC💕💕💕💕💕💕💕SEXY KOREAN💕💕💕아름다움💕💕💕 한국 학생💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕incall - 22
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati💕💕best servise💕💕)
~ L-- O-- O-- K-- I-- N-- G ~ f--o--r ~ T--H--E ~ A--C--T --I--O--N ~ Independent 100%!
Just What You Need.. Married Men Welcome! - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
💖✨$ug@r $p¡c€ &Everything; Nice✨💖💃 Cu®v¥ PL€@$€R💃 💥💋Let Me Add a Little $p¡c€ 2 Your Day - 23
(Long Island, Farmingdale)
🔴 ★• 💛 80.00 specials💚 ▶🔵 •★• 🔴 7608489086 🔵 •★•💛 💚 🔴 •★• 💛 💛 💛 🔵 💛★• - 23
(Palm Springs, palmdesert)
=== ▓ ♥ •• (U WoNt FeeL CoMpLeTe! UnTiL U MeeT tHiS TreaT!) •• ♥ ▓ === 60/100/140 - 24
(Long Island, Ronkonkoma/Sayvile $60/$100/$140)
STILL Up? I -j u s t- w a n n a -h a v e - f u n. LeTs PlaY* Mixed BeAuTy PaRtY W/ME! 70SPECIALS - 23
(Long Island, ROUTE 110/109- INCALLS 100%UNRUSHED 70sp)
⛔️ STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ THERΞ 🚨 Gorgeous BeAUtY 💄 👉 1OO% REAL 🎯 Uŋƒoŗŗgєтαвℓє • [[ KINKY PlAyMaTe]] - 26
(Long Island, LIE 64 LIE 63 Suffolks)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ BUSTY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛ NEW ⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ ASIAN ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛NURU✿⎛ - 23
(FARMINGDALE ▬▬NEW .new new new new new, Glen Cove, Long Island)
💥SPECIALS 💥 😻😻😻💋💋💋SASHA💋💋💋�💋�💋💧💧💧😻😻😻 KittY WantS 2 Play🍭🍭🍭 - 24
(Huntington, Long Island, Long Island)
(WARNING)Petite Mixed Hottie ~VISITING For A COUPLE DAYS! 💋PeTiTe Vegas Hottie Arrives~ in/out calls - 22
(Miami, Collins west plam beach hialeah outcalls)
[[[SoFT BoOoTTTy eBoNY CuTiE]]] #1 BEST choice!! FRIENDLY ((FUN GiRL!))) 160 HOUR - 23
(Long Island, INCALL Plainview / OUTCALL NassauSuffolk)
~~*G * I * R *L*~~ NexT DooR ! ! "REAL PHoTo" NO games!! - 30
(out calls RI/ MA/ CT (some in/calls))
TaKE A °o;o° DeLICIoUS DeToUR°o;o° ToO SEE °o;o ° Your DReAM GiRL°o;o° BiG BoOtY Ebony DeLiGhT!! - 26
(Miami, Miami Lakes)
) ★☆★{•A BOOTY that Is OuT of tHiS•}★☆★ (W•O•R•L•D)★☆ ALL BOOTY LOVERS WELCOME ☆★☆ - 22
(Bronx, Boston Road Incalls only)
50/80/120/200 Midday specials with a Goddess Like Me 😘😌❤️😍 - 23
(Bronx, Park Ave,Fordham,Webster,3rdAve)
30$pecials 30 TOP 💖50ss👀80hhr 👄 130hr LetsParty💊! SEXY PR Princess💦BBWMami 💯😍INCALLS ONLY ! - 20
(Bronx, Middletown Rd Westchester Ave (incalls))
Melt Your Stress Away with...Warm Oils....Hot Towels & Body-to-Body Slide - 23
(Near OSHU Hospital, Portland)
❤️ sweetest blonder you'll find ❤️ - 22
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, ❤️)
🉐~ SweeT ORIENTAL HONEY~ •💮• THE ÂSAIN DREAM YÕU'LL N€V€R FÕ®G€T •💮• n̲̅o̲̅ g̲̅a̲̅m̲̅e̲̅s̲̅ •🉐• ~~ HERE ŦØ PŁẸẠ$Ẹ - 23
(My place..., Orlando)
Sexy hot ready Filipino💍💋👑🔥love to kiss 😘 Soft thick firm love ❤️ facial - 19
(Chicago, Northwest Suburbs, O'Hare,Melrose park,Franklin park)
❤️🏆❤️MUÑEQUiTA ❤️🏆❤️NEW❤️🔲❤️ 786-955-5192 ❤️🔲❤️CUbANiTA TRAViESA❤️🔲❤️ S P E C i A L S❤️🔲❤️ - 19
(Miami, ⭕️ 786-955-5192 PRIVATE INCALL⭕️33157)
Was Nicholas Kristof's Story About an Underage Prostitute Peddled on 'Concocted'? - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
👅💦Juicy🍑All Natural Beauty😘💋Fresh & TiGhT🌸💯%REAL Exotic Brazilian✨Pretty Pink😻 - 22
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Out only all Chicago)
Jessi ♋️ Im An Argentinian Babe😈 Professional Pictures🔥 786-641-1459 Im an outstanding masseuse - 25
(Doral, Doral, Airport, Miami)
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {iTaLiAn} =W_H_A_T= {5☆ SeRViCe} =Y_O_U= {} =N_E_E_D= *☆* - 22
(((DoRaL)) AiRpOrT AreA)
**** NEW --- { { FLAWLESS BeAuTY } } * ? S __ E __ X __ X__ X __Y * ? { {UpsCaLe CoMpaNiOn}}*? - 21
(incall/outcall 24/7)
(NEW) _________ ASIAN GIRL _____________ SATISFACTION ______________ GUARANTEED __________ (GIRL) - - 22