Mon 27 Jan
💋💦ZORI'S BACK💦💋👅🌊Exotic Mixed Freak🌊👅💦YesUr FaVoRiTe💋👅Nasty Girl On Duty👅🎇🎉💊LETS PARTY GUYS - 22
(Bronx, Sheridan ExpWy,Westchester ave,incalls)
💎Zori 💋Milan💎📣 Unbelievable Specials📣2 Exotic Mixed Freaks👀Live 2 Girl Show👀👅💋💯 LETS PARTY - 22
(Bronx, VanCourtlandt,Riverdale,Broadway,INcalls)
💋ZORI'S Back💋💯 New Pix 💯New Pix 💯YeS Ur FaVoRiTe💋👅Nasty Girl On Duty👅🎇🎉💊LETS PARTY GUYS💊 - 22
(Bronx, Broadway,Van Courtland,Riverdale)
* Sweet Garden OF * TempTation * Fatt & juicy Bubble Bo0ty * Exotic & wild * TempTation * - 20
(Bronx, bronx & manh outcalls)
* SeXy & SwEet ( 2 Cotton Candy Treats ) * 2 for 120 * Mystery & Treasure * sexy & discreet* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls /bx&manh; out)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 19
Real Sexy 💄BBW.❤☆ Exotic ☆ Caira ☆ I ☆ LⓞVⓔ☆ WHAT☆ I ☆ ÐO 💗spring specials $40 $80 $150 - 25
(Bronx, Brooks ave Incalls only)
±±± Malissa & Special±±± In Call Cruger Pelham Pkwy 3474957414 Call Now - 21
(Bronx, Cruger pkwy pelham in call)
¥¥¥~~ PINKY // All day Speacial ~~¥ ¥¥ Wakefield Area.Baychester Ave. - 21
(Bronx, Wakefield Area Baychester Ave. Priv Hous)
PARTY PARTY .. makes me .. $50 SPECIALS ALL DAY .. bust it wide open .. or slow stoke it - 21
(Bronx, 3rd ave & 185th near fordham)
Luscious! Pretty face, small waist, perfect body , Total package[ 1 of a kind] Me or its free - 22
(Bronx, baychester/ conner st)
★▇█▇█▇█▇★ ▇█▇█▇█▇★ OUT CALL ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ NEW★▇█▇█▇█▇★ SEXY ★ ASIAN★▇█▇█▇█▇ ★▇█▇█▇█▇★▇█▇█▇█▇❤❤ - 19
(Long Island, All 5 Boros CT and NJ)
Voluptuous thick treat to make ur day complete with a bust to make you lust 👀👅 - 36
(Private residence / incalls, Providence)
* Open My * 2 for 120 * Treasure *juicy Box of * Skittles * 2 slim waist * sexy face Bubble B0oTyz * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road incall/bx& mah out)
Your New Favorite "AMP" American Muscle Pleaser!!!!! (new website and pics for your pleasure) - 30
(, Providence)
👩🏽👑✨Indian Beauty✨ SPCL 😘 Dreamy Eyes 😍✨👑 Thick Thighs Back In Town!!😘💕❤️ One of a kind 💦👅- Natasha - 20
(East Bay, Fremont, Fremont Milipitas San Jose)
Give me a call for a good time 5103759112 special going on right now don't miss it - 23
(East Bay, Richmond Oakland Elsobrante an more)
Mz DeLiCiOuS B.I.G Ѽ B00TY CUTiE... THiiCK ViXEN ♥ 100% guaranteed Me or its FREE! - 22
(Bronx, Fordham Rd iNCALLS & Out)
》》NeW # >>SUNSHINE 》》☆☆646*525*9026*☆☆ DrInK EveRy DroP????*^*^*^*^$)(()(40$ $pCl $$(*)()(*)() - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Crown Heights, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
* In The Garden of Lust * There"s * Mz Kisses * * Juicy Thick & Chocolate diva * pleasure is yours - 20
(Bronx, bronx incalls/ manhattan & bx outs)
⭐️💎MOCHA Is Here To Play🎉💖 Booty Lovers Paradise🍑🌴. Come Get This Brand New BBW💦👅 - 23 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx,manhattan outcalls only)
¥¥¥~~Miss Pink Delicious Specials All Night ¥¥¥~~~IN CALL CRUGER PELHAM PKWY - 21
(Bronx, cruger pelham pkwy In Call)
*I ** A M** W H A T ** U ** S E E K ** J U S T **L E A V E ** I T ** T O**M E 2 4/ H R S - 24
±±± Malissa Specials All Day±±± In Call NORTH MIAMI - 21
(Bronx, 123 north east miaim in super Specials)
heyyy the Gorgeous super sexy brazilian mix is near to uuuu!!! - 22
(Bronx, Bronx bronx near to train 4 stop)
make all your dreams come true... specials all day....fantasies & fetishes welcome - 26
(, rhode island)
Late Night Fantasies With Carla & Star 💦💦🔥🔥🔥👌 100% real Pics - 20
(Bronx, SOUTH BRONX morris ave webster ave)
FrEaKy HoRnY wEsT iNdIaN cHoCoLaTe BuNnY oUtCaLl OnLy - 24
(Astoria, Bronx, Brooklyn, Flushing, Glen Cove, Hempstead, Jamaica, Long Island, Long Island City, North Hempstead, Outcalls 2 All of queens and long island, Ozone Park, Queens, Ridgewood, Woodside)
How many licks does it take to get to the center of ur lollipop - 24
(Bronx, in/out calls white plains n morris park)
Daisey Dimples "The Diva" Hitting brooklyn by storm - 19
(Bronx, (carnasie, ocean hill,downtown brooklyn)
EVERY LITTLE THING THAT WE DO ;) UP LATE incalls sexy mixed beauty im what you need - 24
(( BRAND NEW)) ExOti© & sExY ~Scarlett 60/100/150 Ni©e bUbbLE BOoTy!!!!!! Uncover services ava..... - 19
(Bronx, new england thru/ boston incalls)
🎀Dominican PRiNcEss come get the Royal treatment 718-310-8348 🎀 60$100$150$ - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway hotel incall)
🎀 👉Dominican Princess 👈 🎀 Pε†i†ε 💓 βθMβδhξLL🎀 💟W!TH 🅰 🅱🅾🅾ty❕❕50 ss - 19
(Baychester Boston rd, Bronx)
cubana-somos complaciente sime proeba ami te aseguro k buelbe aprobarme te aseguro k te buelbe mio - 23
(Bronx, bronx and sorrounding areas)
Come Explore With ~ Temptation ~ And Let ~ Paris ~ Be Ur Paridise ~ 2 For 120 ~ Special - 19
(Bronx, bronx/manh/outcalls gunhill boston rd/in)
REAL MEN!!! LeTs GeT Fri§Ky {{§paNkabLe BooTy}} PerKy TiT§ (+)(+) Private Incall (702)-502-0363 - 24
(East Bay, FREMONT- FReaK.NAsTy.SpECiAL- 70$Incall)
👊💢 CELEBRATE Sexy Lexys b-day with Playmate KittyKat YOUR ULTIMATE FANTASY GIRLs Freaks of the wee - 32
(Bronx, bronx /baychester/Boston road)
70 *F O R *T H E* B E S T & * U * K N O W* T H E * R E S T* 70 /*2 4 H R S - 24
70** M S. D E L I G H T ** M A K E S **U **F E E L** R I G H T** 2 4/ H R S *O U T C A L L S - 24
70 ** M I X ** B E A U TU T Y *** P L E A S U R E *S P E C I A L * 2 4 / H R S - 24
50!SExy SpiCy Italian SSSSSLut HomE alone i Want to play Specials;) ° ♥80 - 22
(Bronx, BX E 180 st INCALL Specials 50+80)
4 Beauties out and ready.. 👀😘💯💦3473766082 anaiya & emerald 8452708894 daimond, candy - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls 😍 outcalls)
3 ♥♥Girls Looking to Spend★☆ Quality Time ☆..In call Special ★ Before NOON! ♥♥Don't Miss Out! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx/Manhattan)
* 2 flirts in Mini Skirts * 2 Bubble Bo0tyz * 2 for 120 * Treasure & PEArL * Real exclusive pics * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
$20,000 Your First Month. NO ESCORTING. Magazine & Video Work. WHERE STARS ARE MADE - 24
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
looking for young student or normal employed young girl who needs a little$ help - 49
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, long island so shore, Queens, Staten Island)
NEW:::Kamora -exotic ** EBONY *indian mix** Beauty*skilled lips& t grips!!!!!Top Notch Queen! - 25
(Dallas, Mid Cities, dallas BIG BOOTY*= SPECIAL arlington)
Get exactly What you want Real girl Real experience and Real satisfaction 👅💦👄💋 Incalls & Outcall - 20
(Dublin, Walnut creek, (in & outcalls), East Bay, Pleasanton)
★•°o♥o °• MY CaNdY ShOp ★• °o♥o°• Is OpEn•°o♥★ Black and indian PriNcesS - 23
(San Mateo, Redwood city San Mateo Belmont Specials)